My unforgettable experience

Everybody must have an unforgettable experience, including  me. I have an unforgettable experience when I was about 5 years old maybe, because at that time I did not entered an elementary school yet. This story happened in my village in Sukoharjo around the year of 1987. Here is my unforgettable experience.

It was in the middle of the night when I suddenly woke up and cried loudly. Then I walked to llook  for my Father. I came into his bedroom. My father got up and shocked, then asked me, “What happens honey”?  I answered, ”Pak, let’s go to Semarang to meet Ibu. Let’s go! Hurry up!”. From his face I knew that my father confused and wondered why, but he followed me walking  to the door after taking his sarung. Then he unlocked and opened the door. We walked through the front yard, then through the gate. After walking approximately 5 meters from the gate, he stopped his step. He said “Honey, I am sorry I forgot to close and lock the door. Look! It is still open”. I looked back to our home, and it was. “I will close and lock it for a moment, ok?” He asked me and I said “OK, then ”. Then he turned back to our home. He had leaved me alone in the street. I looked around where I was standing. It was so dark. There was only a small lamp in each intersection. The distance between one and another home was so far. And the distance filled by the tall trees. There was no body I could see. I heard nocturnal animals singing cheerfully. But I did not. After waiting for a while, I felt scared. My father did not turn back to the place where I was standing. I was so scared. Scared of ghost and other scary creature would come to me. Suddenly there was a loud sound from the top of the trees. I did not know what was that. Therefore I knew that it was at night, not at noon. I run as fast as I could, turning  back to my home. The door was still open. I came into the house and looked for my father. He was in his bedroom, slept soundly. Then I went back to my bedroom too. I tried to remember what had happened to me, but I could not find the matters, so I decided to sleep again.

In the morning, my father did not say anything. It seemed  nothing happened. Maybe he did not want me to be ashamed. But I still remember that night vividly. Maybe at that time I missed my mother so much, because she had been working in Semarang for long time and went home rarely. And when she went home, she only stayed for few hours then turned back to Semarang again.